
Stop Regurgitating Your Old Groove

Sometimes we tend to ‘lock-on’ to our old worn out beliefs or life experiences like a stuck record. There are times that everything that you’re experiencing with your body, your relationships, your home environment, your business, is a concrete expression of the groove you’ve gotten stuck in.

So we keep regurgitating the same ole, same ole, story. If you’re really honest how different has the last 5 years really been? For example, those challenges that you’ve had with your body, your relationships, your finances, your business?

Are you limiting yourself by the way you think? Is it because you can’t seem to think outside the groove you’ve gotten yourself into. You’ve practiced telling and experiencing ‘the same old story’ for so long that you can’t really imagine things being any different.

You are imprisoned by your own preconceived ways of seeing your body, your relationships, your finances, your business. You see what you expect to see, you hear what you expect to hear, and you think the way you expect to think.

So you ‘lock-on’ to your current reality and you ‘lock-out’ any notion of change.

We all have life experiences that we would like to be rid of, and if we can rid our minds of the negative mental picture, they must go!

The good news is that really changing your life experience is not about working harder. It is a matter of thinking differently.

Find your groove, your positive groove by telling a new story! When you start telling your new story, you disrupt your old story. And when you do that you start to lose your relationship with your old negative groove, which is actually holding you back.

Only ‘practicing’ imagery of your new story can change the images of your old story. Of course you have to personally identify in a powerful way to your new story. It must be something you really, really want.

Through using positive visualisation and affirmation you can leave your own mental prison of what is or has been. Visualise yourself living your new story, being in your new groove.

What our programme helps you to do is ‘paint this all powerful picture’, and help you vividly see the end results that you truly desire, and feel the emotion that goes along with the accomplishment of what you desire.

  1. Write out your desires
  2. Visualise the end results
  3. Feel the emotions of success and joy

“Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon… must inevitably come to pass?” – Paul J. Meyer.

Wise Guys

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” – Henry David Thoreau

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou

“When a person dies a library is burned.” (Not sure who said that?)

“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.” Dhirumbhai Ambani