

These are really interesting times that we’re living in right now. I’ve been around now for quite a while and seen a few different generations and each one was given a label. My list is what I heard about when I was growing up. This is my own take on this subject.

I remember my parents talking about the Beatniks who were around in the 1950s when I was born. Who stressed self-expression and the rejection of the more conventional society. Then in the 1960/70’s came the Hippies, and they believed in free love, non-materialism, being your own person. Then there were the Yuppies of the 1980’s who were labeled “young upwardly-mobile professionals” – definitely more materialistic and career-driven. We’ve had the Baby Boomers, Generation X, etc. and now the Millennials. 

I’m mentioning these generations because no matter what generation label you think you are. You are still a human being and in your own unique right a massive being with great potential. However, how will you fare in these “interesting times” that we’re moving into very rapidly. 


In my experience of going through a lot of challenges in my time on this planet. The death of two family members that really shook me to my roots. Diagnosed with a life-threatening disease and many other challenges and yet here I am still standing thank goodness. 

I truly understand that this life is such a beautiful opportunity if you really appreciate what it means? And when you get challenged if you have a good grasp of what life really is, and your clarity is impeccable, you can negotiate your way through the most challenging times.

But you really have to think differently because everything that we’ve been taught doesn’t work anymore if ever it did. Our programming has been so ingrained that most people can’t break out of their cycle of living very much the same as the people around them did. The same relationship, financial and health challenges etc. 

I love this quote from Peter Hitchens: “Is there any point in public debate in a society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while millions have been taught what to think?”

You were born with a personal guidance system of emotions to help you know what is right for you as you go along. You did not intend to follow others’ opinions. Yes, they mean well and are just trying to give you what they know and believe is right for you. They believe you will go off track without their supervision. Most parents over-parent because they don’t trust their children and that disempowers the child. 

Just how programmed are you? If you look at your outer life it is all there staring you in the face. Look at your body, your finances, your work situation, your relationships. 


There is this creative power that you and I have and it is not our personality or ego identity. So, what is this creative power? It’s inner guidance, and by listening to your inner-self you have access to it. This power can guide your ability to create better than your intellect knows how.  

A Harvard Business Review study conducted with the top 100 American CEO’s were asked to name the one factor, above all others, that contributed to their phenomenal success. The answer by all 100 was that they listened to their gut instinct, their intuition. 


In our modern civilisation, we have learned to respect and even worship the rational, logical aspect of ourselves, and to dismiss, depreciate, or deny our intuition. Yet, all great achievers, whether they are business people, musicians, authors, athletes, or world leaders, trust and use their intuition. Einstein, Edison, Marconi, Henry Ford, Madame Currie all attributed their success directly to their intuition.  


Learning to trust your intuition is an art form, and like all other art forms, it takes practice. There are tools we work with that help you become aware of your intuition or feelings that are guiding you. Guidance can come in many forms: words, images, feelings, or even through being led to some eternal force. Your body is also a tremendous helper to follow your inner voice. 

  • “Television to brainwash us all and the Internet to eliminate any last resistance.” Paul Carvel.  
  • “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” Aldous Huxley.
  • “Propaganda is amazing, people can be led to believe anything.” – Alice Walker